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Boat Insurance

Boat insurance gives you that piece of mind so you can sail away knowing your watercraft is covered. Whether you're traveling over lakes, rivers, or ocean waves, Auto Policy Market can connect you with insurance companies to give you the best coverage.

Do you need boat insurance?

Boat insurance is necessary to protect both you and your boat. Since all boats are different, you may need to require customized policies for your boat to meet your needs. These customized benefits include: damage to your hull, sails and other equipment, full boat replacement, and fuel spill liability.

Ways to stay safe at sea and on shore

There are many ways to protecting yourself, others, and your boat other than having insurance. Things like having a VHF radio on hand, having a navigation system, and being considerate to others are all great ways of staying safe on the water.

What boats can get insurance?

Fishing boats, pontoon boats, powerboats, personal watercrafts (PWC), and sailboats.

Ways to save

Depending on what insurance company you go with, there are ways to stay above water with insurance costs too. Bundling your home, auto, motorcycle or RV could help you save more on boat insurance. Have more than one boat? You can earn a discount for that too. Completeing a state-approved safety course is also a great way to save on your boat insurance policy.

How much does boat insurance cost?

There are several factor that go into how much boat insurance costs:

  • Length: most boats are about 26 feet in length or shorter, yachts can be 27 feet and longer
  • Value: similar to cars, the more valuable your boat is, the more your insurance will be
  • Type: each boat has unique purposes and therefore has different insurance needs
  • Age: the older the boat, the less it costs for insurance, however that is often offset b upkeep and maintenance costs
  • Speed/Horsepower: faster engines are typically more expensive, and thus cost more to insure. Faster boats also pose higher risks, which will drive up insurance costs
  • Sailing Area: whether it's a lake, ocean, river, or bay all carry unique risks
  • Coverage Options: when it comes to insuring your boat you have several options of coverage, limits and deductibles. Personal belongings, fishing equipment and other boat accessories will impoact how much your policy costs
  • Boating/Driving History: do you have any tickets, violations, or claims in the past couple of years? That will affect your insurance price

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